Here's a link to listen to this week's episode.
Guest: Kelby Laughner @kelby.laughner
Show Notes:
Kelby Laughner ran the Olympic Trials Marathon in 2020 while 27 weeks pregnant. Need I say more? Kelby was my first live podcast guest and it was a lot of fun (and also terrifying). Thank you to my coach, Rachel, for the opportunity!
During this episode, sponsored by BITCHSTIX, Previnex, and Cure Hydration, we talk about:
- Intro from my coach, Rachel Sinders, since this interview took place LIVE! During the very first Team RMR Running Retreat
- Running at a D1 school in college at The University of Evansville
- How she started dating her husband during senior year of high school and all through college even though they were 4.5 hours apart
- The fact that she ran 19 miles with a friend during a marathon she wasn’t running
- Why she got into running in the first place
- Highlights of her collegiate career - 5K school record (17:27 - that she went on to beat last year after becoming a mom of two)
- Her first marathon at the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon in 2015, the year after she graduated and the year she got married
- Finding Coach Matt Ebersole of Personal Best Training (PBT)
- What it’s like to be an Army wife
- Having her first baby during COVID
- Getting the Olympic Trials Qualifying time before the window was open in 2017 and then thankfully doing it again at Grandma’s in 2018
- How she ran the 2020 Olympic Trials Marathon while 27 weeks pregnant the week before the world shut down
- Winning the Indianapolis Monumental Mile with her jogging stroller
- Other marathons she’s done: Carmel, Monumental, Grandma’s, Twin Cities, Chicago, Boston (2018)
- Running the Boston Marathon in 2018 the “shitty weather Des year”
- Q&A from Team RMR
This is a SandyBoy Productions Podcast.
Link to Indy Mini event on 5/2. Tickets on sale 3/17.
Sponsor Details:
- Previnex - ALLY15 for 15% off your first order
- BITCHSTIX -ALLYB for 20% off your order
- Cure Hydration - ALLYB for 20% off your first order
Show Transcript:
This is a Sandy Boy Productions podcast.
Welcome to Finish Lines and Milestones, a podcast that celebrates the everyday runner.
I'm your host, Ally Brettnacher.
If you run, you are a runner, and every runner has a story.
Join me each week as I share these stories and we cross finish lines and celebrate milestones together.
This episode is brought to you by Bitch Sticks.
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Thank you, bitch sticks for supporting this podcast and our upcoming event, which you will hear about momentarily.
Hello and welcome to episode 99.
This is Ally and I can't believe it's episode 99.
That means you know, next week is 100 episodes and according to Google, only 4.92%.
That's less than 5% of podcasts make it this far.
So that's pretty cool.
When I first started, I never imagined.
That I would.
Have 100 episodes and it feels like it flew by.
So if you haven't yet, go in the archives.
There's such good stories there and I'll be sure to resurface some of those in conjunction with this big milestone.
So Hooray, I'm celebrating by having Lindsay Hyne from I'll Have Another with Lindsay Hyne on the podcast.
Lindsay has been podcasting for eight years.
She's the mom of four boys.
She's runs, she interviews all the pros that you know, she's incredible and I get to work with her now because of Sandy Boy Productions and the fact that Finish Lines and Milestones is a part of that family.
So I thought it'd be a perfect way to celebrate.
And Speaking of Lindsay Hein, Lindsay and I are Co hosting an event the evening before the Indianapolis Indie Mini, which will be May 2nd.
Friday, it's from 4:30 to 6:30.
We'll have some mingling, then a live podcast, then some more mingling, but a great way to bring the indie running community together.
Tickets go on sale Monday.
So this next Monday, if you're listening to this, on Friday the 14th, they'll go on sale Monday, March 17th, St.
Patrick's Day at noon and tickets will be $25 a piece.
The goodie bags already include more than that in terms of product, so it'll be well worth the money and the time and the perfect thing to do after you grab your packet and before you go to dinner.
So you can find that link in the show notes on my social media.
Ally ALLYT, Brett, Brett under score runs and I will be certain to remind you over and over again until May 2nd.
So that is if we still have tickets, I guess.
Special thanks to our early sponsors who joined us Athletic Annex, Bitch Sticks, Prevenex and Transcend Training and Performance.
So appreciate you.
There's still time if you want to sponsor, just let me know.
And now I get to talk about another event that has already passed.
But it was our very first team RMR Rachel Michelle running my Running coach running Retreat.
And so it was a full day event from 11:00 to 5:00 and jam packed with such great content.
You know, as somebody who's been running for a long time, I always tend to think, well, what, you know, what else do I need to learn?
And turns out there's just always so much more that I can learn to continue to get better as an athlete and as a human.
And I will hopefully be writing a recap about what I learned because I did take a lot of notes.
But the line up was with Jacob Crow.
He's tempo sports.
He talked about injury prevention and recovery.
We have Jackie Dykes who was on this podcast.
She is a nutritionist and just incredible train with Transcend was Whitney Miller and Whitney talked about race day mindset, Vince Auten.
Vince has invincible coaching and he's a life coach.
And so he talked about that and also about mindset too.
So a lot of good information from those guys.
And then I got to do my first live podcast with Kelby Lautner, who is just simply incredible.
I'm in awe of her.
And, you know, I said this in the beginning of the recording, but she kind of stretches the limit of being an everyday runner because she's really not.
She runs in the elite corral many times.
So I kind of broke that rule.
But she is an everyday runner in the sense that she's a mom.
She has a full time nine to five job, and she's not paid to run.
So pretty cool.
And Kelby ran the Olympic Trials marathon in 2020, pregnant, 27 weeks pregnant.
Just insane.
And she made it under the cut off, which is 3 hours and 15 minutes, like jaw to the floor.
Hard to imagine doing all of that pregnant with your first child.
And she's currently pregnant, expecting her third baby in August of this year.
So I was so lucky to meet Kelby before this for coffee and got to know her and continue to get to know her through this interview, which is shorter than my normal interviews because we only had an hour.
So perhaps at some point we'll catch up with Kelby again.
But I hope you enjoy this conversation with Kelby Loughner.
As part of our retreat day today, I thought it would be really fun to have on someone that is relatable to all of us, somewhere that's an athlete but also has other responsibilities in life and all the demands that we have.
And just get some further insights to her life and her training and just some of the amazing accomplishments that she has done.
So a little bit about Kelby.
We worked together at Delta Faucet many years ago, 6:00 or so probably when I worked there.
And I specifically remember in 2018 when you did Caramel and then you were the first female finisher and I was like, that is so amazing.
Like, how is this person like real?
And then you did Boston that year too.
And I remember like at work we all like, 'cause it was on a Monday, so we're at work and we all had it on and we're like, I was watching it and stuff.
And like, I can't believe I know someone running the Boston Marathon.
And it was like the crazy, terrible year weather, like when Dez won and everything.
And I, that was, I hadn't even run a marathon myself at that point.
And I was playing to Chicago that year and I was like, I want to do Boston one day.
Like I am going to do this and stuff.
So it was just like very inspiring to me.
So just felt appropriate to bring you in today.
Appreciate it.
Thank you everyone.
Yay, that's fun.
I'll use that like as a special effect.
So I never have done a live podcast before me neither.
So this is great or a podcast in or a podcast in general.
It's so great, which I can't believe.
So for anybody in this room who has not listened to finish lines and milestones, the whole premise is interviewing kind of the everyday runner.
And when I say everyday, I mean non elite, but Kelby is kind of elite.
She's she's pushing the the boundary a little bit in terms of being your typical everyday runner.
She if you did not know this, because I didn't know this when we grabbed coffee.
Kelby ran the Olympic trials marathon at 27 weeks, at 27 weeks pregnant.
That's I feel like you just mic drop and we're done.
Like so incredible.
And how many, how many weeks are you today?
I'm 17, it's much harder to keep track the third time around.
Do you know what fruit or vegetable you are in?
This mind, I haven't looked, no.
Feel free to Google everybody.
So we know.
Yeah, because when we met for coffee, I didn't know you were pregnant either.
So for anybody in this room who does not know you, can you just give us a little bit of like, who you are, where you're from, your kiddos?
Of course.
It's going to be so fun.
Yeah, feel free to interrupt me as I go through if I leave anything out Perfect.
But yeah.
So I'm from Frankfort, IN.
It's about an hour north of Indy and my parents still live in the same house so grew up there my whole life.
Then went to college and ran cross country at University of Evansville.
They are AD one school so it's a pretty cool opportunity to go to a smaller school which I was looking for, but also have opportunity to run for AD one school so.
What's the mascot?
The purple aces.
Cool, yes.
So I loved running in college.
I really learned to love running because entering high school, I hated running.
I didn't want anything to do with it.
I was a big soccer player.
That was my passion.
That was where all my friends were sort of like playing on a team and being a part of that.
And so I've always played soccer in the fall.
But then my parents were like, you have to go out for a track because I had done cross country and track in middle school.
But I wasn't like, I was good at it, but I wasn't like a huge fan of running.
That's crazy.
So my parent, I was like, I told my parents I'll go out for a track freshman year, but I'm only going to do the 800.
I don't want to do anything else.
I just wanted wanted to be lazy, I guess.
So I started there and yeah, developed a better talent for it and decided, OK, I'm kind of good at this.
I kind of like it and my love grew from there.
I was really interested then senior of going to a college and playing a sport, whether that was soccer or running.
So I just ended up at UE and really glad that I did and got to run there.
Made some great lifelong friends as well.
So senior of high school started dating my current husband and high school, I know it's been a long time in a good way.
So he joined the Army right after school.
So he joined the National Guard.
Currently he is still working for the Army.
And then so we dated all through college.
He went to Purdue.
So it was long distance for a long time.
Yeah, did.
You how did you do that as a collegiate athlete and then.
A boyfriend?
Did he come down?
Came Yeah, he.
How far was that drive?
It's from West Lafayette.
It would have been like 4 1/2 hours.
So yeah, fun for him.
I know he he did a lot for me and then we had the summers.
We were both we both grew up in Frankfurt so and our houses are like 3 miles apart so we always have dormers.
Did your?
Parents know each other.
Kind of like I knew we knew of them because Frankfurt is sort of small but not like close.
OK, let's see.
So graduated from school, I studied finance and accounting and then started work and India.
Ernst and Young worked there for three years.
Josh and I got married in 2015 and 20.
Let's see.
Let's see, I graduated 14, OK?
I ran my first marathon in 2015, so the year after I graduated.
And so in college, typically as a collegiate runner, do you do both track and cross country or how did that?
Work typically yes but I really like UE because they didn't have a track program and I thought if they made me do cuz usually schools have cross country and then you do indoor track and then outdoor track and I just thought Oh my gosh that's way too much for me and one season's enough.
I still ran and trained in the spring and we did some off track meets, but they didn't have track at that time.
So it was a good balance.
But now I wish I was.
I had some track times, but you know, it was good at the time.
That's a good balance and.
What was your first marathon?
I ran Monumental.
Yeah, OK, 2015.
Yes, and I actually got a like good picture of it the year before.
I had a friend run it from or my college teammate run it the year before.
And I jumped in with her and I was like, I'll go 10 miles with you like on the course.
And then I ended up doing 19 and that was like the longest I'd ever like ran before.
And so I was like, OK, I want.
Like I knew I wanted to do it, but I was like, I really wanted.
To do it, I mean, how pissed are you?
You run 19 miles, you don't even get a medal.
Yeah, they tried to give me one because I went to.
The yeah, but and you're like, no thanks.
Don't give me one that's good.
Thank you for not stealing.
Yeah, of course.
So yeah, night.
That's so crazy. 19 miles with your.
Friend and I always liked going farther.
Like I always thought that was cool and so I knew I always wanted to eventually do a marathon.
So when you ran 19 miles in Monumental, had you ever run half?
Yes, I've done.
When was your first half marathon?
Actually 8th grade I.
Get out of here.
You might have told me that, but I.
Don't know why we did.
OK so my why I even got into running in the 1st place was my dad.
He used to run when we were kids in Frankfurt.
We had a YMCA and there's like a a track at the top.
Remember my sisters and I would go and like just waddle behind him and like run.
I don't even know how far we went, but like, we would just be like little ducklings falling around the track.
My gosh, that's so funny.
Yeah, that was like one of my first runs ever.
He probably.
Loved that.
Cuz we're confined.
Couldn't go anywhere.
So he's just like, I'll just keep running and you can just be in this area.
Yeah, exactly.
And then he did the indie mini.
Like I remember watching it on TV when I'm really little and he was at the race.
I'm like, we were trying to look for him like in the on the TV, like dad's there.
Thought it was so cool.
So yeah, that's how like running was even like a part of or in my mind.
And then my brother wanted to do cross country in 6th grade and yeah, I just did whatever he did at that point, so.
OK, so siblings, do you have a brother and a sister?
I have an older brother and I have twin sisters.
They're younger.
OK, how old are they?
They're or like how much younger?
I guess 31.
OK, I know it's hard for me to remember.
So like, they're like 2 years younger and my brother's two years older, OK, Something like that.
Yeah, that's kinda.
I'm the oldest of three girls and I'm the oldest and it's like 2 years and two years.
But I can barely remember how old I am.
And then when people ask me how old my sisters are, I'm like, I don't know, two years.
Less 33.
OK, so I'm 30.
See, this is what happened 32 Good job, OK?
I know.
I swear people ask me.
I'm like, I think I'm 38 still and then yeah, then I'll be.
I never thought I would be one of those people.
I'm like, how do you forget how old?
You are, and you're a numbers girl, so I feel like you should really be on top of that.
Yes, I don't do math in my head.
Yeah, I use a calculator, OK.
Do you carry one on the run?
Because I feel like running math is a whole nother level of.
Math, right?
It totally is, yes.
Not at the Yeah.
I think the one time I've done running math is like when I was going after the Olympic Trials qualifier and had like 2 miles left and like 14 minutes.
I'm like, OK, I can can do that.
Yeah, yeah, like that's going to work.
I don't want to get too far ahead of myself because I want to talk about Olympic trials qualifying and all that, but OK, 8th grade, first half marathon.
Was it the endy mini that was your first half marathon?
And did you run it with your dad or no?
No, I did it with a friend and we like did 10 minute miles or something.
It was really, really slow.
Oh, sorry, a relative.
I'm so sorry.
I did not mean it like that.
Compared to my future times, it was slow for me.
No, that's fine Lenas like cool, that's my PR pace or more.
No, that's not mean to say it's all relative.
So for.
Talking about myself, not any people know it was slow.
You know what she meant.
Yeah, she hates you now, but OK.
So you ran it through your friend?
And had she ever run?
Was it her first?
Race to her first to.
OK, yeah.
I don't know.
We just thought it was a cool adventure to do.
And I remember running on the treadmill in the in our basement.
Like, how do you know what I did?
Yeah, yeah.
Do you remember if you ran like 10 miles before or what?
Yeah, I think I ran like 8 miles actually.
OK, yeah, on my treadmill.
And then you're like, I got this.
I'm in 8th grade.
Yeah, I don't.
Remember too much that's.
Did you do it every year after that then or did you just do it?
Once I just did it that one time and then I, I think the next time was like in college.
So like we didn't have track.
So like I trained for it one time.
Our coach wasn't like too keen on us, like training super hard or going too much farther.
So yeah.
Now, what were some of the highlights of your collegiate career?
Oh yeah, those are really good times.
I miss it.
First of all, just being on the teams, had automatic friends.
It was great.
We had so many good times traveling on the bus.
I remember we had, we had meets all over like 10 hour bus ride, some 10 hours.
Yeah, yeah.
So I know I really like bus rides.
That was good with it.
And what were the events that you did?
So it's just the 5K in cross country at that time and then for regionals we did a 6K.
OK, what's that?
What's a 6K?
Yeah, how many miles?
3.6 I guess OK 3.63 point 7 so I was going into freshman year and I was scared, had low expectations.
I like had never like ran a full cross country season before because I only did soccer.
So it's all pretty new to me.
How'd you get on the team?
I OK, so senior of high school, I did half cross country, half soccer.
Like I split the I did both in the same season.
And I did that because I was maybe interested in running in college and I just wanted to try out.
A lot of people encouraged me and I figured out, OK, I do like this, so I'm going to do it.
I don't know.
I just did like cross country meets basically and then went soccer practice, OK, Like I only went to the meets or something like that.
Wow, that's.
Crazy so.
I wish I would have gotten to that.
I was a soccer player too.
Yeah, yeah, cross country was fun, yeah.
So yeah, I had times to apply so.
Did you go to Evansville with any friends?
Did you know anybody like from your high?
School at all?
I did not.
It was, yeah, kind of shocking at first, but I knew, like being on a cross country team, I would, you know, have automatic friends.
Did your Where'd your brother go?
Do you said?
He would do Purdue.
Purdue OK, All right.
And then freshman year my roommate moved out before school started, so it was by myself for a while, which most people would like like.
But it's like my freshman year, I'm like, I don't have any friends.
Yeah, you're like, I'd kind of like to not be alone.
That's cool, but why did she move out before?
School started at Homesick, I think because we have like a welcome, like you have like a welcome the freshman or something period.
And yeah, I don't know, just got Homesick.
But anyway, cross country was great.
So highlights from college cross country would be I got the 5K school records.
So that was a really.
Is that still Stan?
No, it got broken maybe like eight years later.
So it did for a while.
That's good.
And what was that?
Do you remember the time?
Yeah, 1727.
Wow, that's best.
I've been in that time since then.
OK, tell me you were pregnant at the time or something.
No, no, that was last year.
Holy moly.
That's amazing.
So, yeah, I mean, I I was top of the team and I had a lot of fun.
I don't know.
That's amazing.
And did you forgive my ignorance with like, I mean track cross country?
I like, still am learning when I talk to people about it, but did you go to like there's like regionals and state and like, what other kinds of levels were you striving for on the team?
There was conference, so we were in the NBC at the time.
So I think I placed top ten one year, OK.
And I think that in my senior year I've had higher expectations.
Senior year I put a lot of pressure on myself and so I kind of like collapsed at the big, not not physically collapsed, but like just was putting so much pressure on myself.
Like I pensed up and performed because I performed best when I'm relaxed and having fun, so.
Yes, I know.
Don't we all?
Yeah, Yeah.
And then we had regionals, which regional to qualify for nationals.
So for a team, we never would, we weren't even close to qualifying for nationals.
So you could individually if you made, I think it was the top 25 junior year, I was 33rd.
And so I thought, wow, I have a chance, you know, senior year to make it.
And then again, I just put too much pressure on myself and like had stomach cramps during the race and like finished late like 93rd or something.
So it was what it was.
Did you ever have aspirations to run professionally?
No, I never thought I was good enough.
No, I always had.
I had a passion for it.
Still, I wanted to keep running, but I knew I was not good enough.
So first marathon was after you graduated?
Yes, OK.
That was at Monumental.
How was how was your first marathon?
It's kind of like your second because you did 19 miles before, but.
I don't really remember the training, but the actual day itself.
I love the first marathon or any like first time you do a distance is great because you don't know you don't have any expectations of yourself.
You're just going in relax like this supposed to be a fun experience.
You're doing this for fun.
And so I like I just had the best time.
My goal was under three hours and I got two hours and 53 minutes or.
Yeah, you crush that.
So yeah, had a blast.
How did you celebrate?
I don't see.
Yeah, I think I went out with my family that evening.
Yeah, yeah.
And then were you after that first marathon just like, OK, this is Oh yeah, amazing.
Like I'm in.
Did you?
Were you being coached at that point?
When did you find Matt Ebersol?
It's like a question.
Oh, OK.
So I had a doctor friend from Frankfurt who actually was a really good runner.
And I ran with him once in a while during the summers, and he would go to Matt's team practices on Tuesday night.
And so I think I went with him like one or two times.
So that's how I kind of was aware of that.
And then someone else recommended him.
I can't remember.
So that's all who I knew.
And I knew I would like help, and I knew if I wanted to be as good as I thought I could be, like having a coach would be great.
So yeah, reached out to him and went from there.
So I've been coached by him since 2015 or like 2014.
A decade or more, that's why.
It's crazy now to think about.
Yeah, yeah.
And so monumental.
What happened after Monumental?
I was just all in on running.
I didn't like get faster.
Were you working?
Where were you working at the time?
Ernst and Young.
Yeah, I was at Ernst and Young, so we did the crazy long hours in the winter.
Don't miss that at all.
It was a good working like career experience.
Definitely gave me a jumping off start the rest of my career.
But yeah, it was very hard and wasn't my favorite work, but I would get up early every morning and get my runs in.
I remember a period I was travelling to Evansville like every week.
We had a client down there.
Oh my gosh.
Yeah, Back to college.
Yeah, I mean, like, they're like, you know, Evansville, you should probably be on this client.
So like, OK, that's fine.
It was great because I got a lot of hotel points and used a lot of my points to go on trips to Chicago and Boston for races.
So had perks.
We would work from like 8 to like 10:00 PM to like midnight.
And I still get up at 5:00 AM every day and, like, did my workouts.
And now I look back and I'm like, I have no idea how I did that.
Yeah, and all the while you have a boyfriend, like somewhere where you guys been living together?
You were married?
We were married.
OK, when did you get married then?
Okay, okay.
What year did you and what's your husband's name?
When did you and Josh get married?
You got married in 2015, so this year will be our.
Time you said that.
OK, How are you gonna celebrate that?
We are going to Jamaica at the end of the month.
I am so excited.
Oh my gosh.
I feel like the third, like the first two pregnancies were, you know, I love them.
They were great.
This one I'm like what?
Is getting out of here?
Has this been your hardest 1 then?
Yes, definitely.
I'm sorry.
And I wouldn't say it's even that hard.
Like it's probably just I'm already taking care of two kids and working and.
Want to run and then like the frame fog has been really bad and just tired, Yeah.
And how old are your two other kids?
Atlas is 4 going to be 5 soon and Sin is 2 going to be 3 soon, Yeah.
You're just this crazy just doing it.
All Oh my gosh.
And then I want to touch on being an Army wife, too.
You and I talked about this when we first met.
I find it.
Interesting, because military's never been a part of my life.
And so when I think about that, I mean, like I asked you a ton of questions because I had no idea what that even meant.
So could you tell people what that's like and like when even just like when he told you who's going to go in the military and kind of take us through that?
Yeah, definitely.
I don't remember the moment he told me.
I think by the time we were dating, that was his plan to go into the Army or the National Guard.
And so I knew that when we started dating, I knew he had to leave for basic and then AIT, which is like the school after basic for a while.
So we started dating in like March of our senior year, and then he left for basic training in June that summer, and then I didn't see him again until Christmas.
So it was a whirlwind.
We had to write letters.
That was the only way to community.
Do you still have those?
That's adorable.
They probably are so cheesy I don't.
Mean I love you and I miss your face I feel like.
So cheesy.
You were kind of almost just prepared for being an Army wife by the nature of the fact that you were apart for like all those college years too.
Kind of.
I mean, I know, obviously.
It's definitely, yeah, it was, it was tough, but like that's all we had known as well for a while.
So I don't know, I guess we loved each other enough to get through it.
Yeah, I really want to read those letters.
That's so funny.
You should find them.
Do you know where they are?
Yeah, I know where they are.
Please please report back.
Maybe one day I'll take a picture and maybe on our 10 year anniversary.
Oh, you should make him.
Yeah, or you should like make Josh a scrapbook of your letters for him because you know it'd.
Be a good idea.
That's sweet.
I'd be really thinking about that.
Or they have those like websites now you can like send it in and they scan it and make it like a book.
That's a good idea.
That'd be funny, that.
Would be really good.
I think about reading old like instant messages and stuff and it makes.
Me crazy yeah or like old Facebook posts like memories come up I'm like why did.
I say, yeah, I recently like, I like.
A different Facebook.
It's a different human being who posted those.
I mean, I'm like, I don't know who that was.
Yeah, I think about that now when I post something in like in five years or 10 years, I'll be like, what was I?
Yeah, probably it's fine.
Oh well, wow.
OK, and so you got married.
How long until you had Atlas?
Yeah, so like, first of all, his job, like he was just in the National Guard for a little bit and had like a real civilian job, did some weird things.
Like at a desk.
Yeah, at a desk.
He was a Kroger manager at one point, which is kind of funny to think about.
Yeah, let's see.
And then he got the opportunity to work full time for the Army, like 2018-2019 or something.
So he's been doing that since then.
So he's a considered active duty since he works full time now for the Army.
So we had Atlas in June of 2020.
His birthday is June 1st of 2020.
Oh gosh, you poor thing.
I forgot about the whole.
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, COVID.
Yeah, that was a.
That was terrifying, I'm sure, for having your first kid during the I thought of a lot of people during that time where that would be a really hard time.
It was the hardest part was having him and then like asking the, I remember asking the doctor like, can my parents come and see the baby like at home?
And now like that was like my worst fear that they would not allow like anyone to come see the baby.
And like it was our first, their first grandchild on both sides.
Oh my gosh.
So like, I'm like, no, I don't care what the doctor says, honestly.
Like I have to have my parents.
Can see her, Yeah.
If that would have been my dad, my dad would have been like I'll die before I like can't see my first.
Now, like, I would have been devastated.
So like they wore gloves and a mask?
I know it was awful.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, that's pretty.
That was the worst part of it, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
During the fall it kind of let up a little bit, I think.
I mean, kind of you're inside with a newborn anyway.
Yeah, that could be a little bit of a benefit I guess, but not really.
It was at least during the summer, and I went on a lot of walks.
Yeah, I did a lot of stroller running.
Yeah, really with him.
But let's see before.
So we had a trouble having him.
And so we did.
Ended up doing IUI.
That's why I qualified for the Olympic Trials in 2018 at the Grand Malls Marathon.
OK, actually didn't qualify twice.
I qualified in Monumental at 27 in 2017.
OK with like the so the cut off then was 245.
So I got in the 2:44, but the window to qualify hadn't opened yet.
So I was like, OK, I just have to do it again, right?
Got it.
So luckily got it at grandma's the next summer.
So I was very happy about that.
So then we're like, OK, now we can have the baby and then I can go to the trials.
That time we didn't work out like we planned.
So how to make a choice whether to like, stop the process of trying to have a baby to go in order to go to the trials or continued to go through the process?
And at that time, I was like, I really want a baby.
Like luckily ended up getting pregnant and I was like, well, that's OK.
I'll only be 20.
Seven weeks?
Only 27 weeks?
Pregnant I'm like trials.
I can do that.
I'd hope.
I didn't know.
Like, honest, like no one knows how you're of course running.
And so, but I was so determined and and I did it.
And my only goal, so the goal was to finish the marathon.
But they had a time cut off, too.
So the time cut off was three hours and 15 minutes.
So it's like I just have to train for this pace so I can like be able to finish the whole race.
I just have to run a three hour 15 marathon while 27 weeks pregnant.
Yes, but for me that was 30.
I know.
But still, like, I'm just so in awe of you because it's like, I can't wrap my head around doing that.
So that was right before COVID.
Trump interrupted the broadcast to like talk about COVID or something and it was like the following week when everything shut down.
So like the trials just got?
In there.
Just got in there.
So thank goodness.
For that, where were the trials the first one?
Atlanta, yeah.
So yeah, tons of family come, tons of friends come.
So it's just like the most amazing weekend, most amazing day, All the cheers because I was like visibly pregnant.
So like all the cheers of people like seeing me.
It was just amazing.
Yeah, I had the best time.
The course was terrible, so hilly.
It was so windy.
But that's OK.
I just wanted to finish.
Get it done and you didn't come in last.
I keep in to like third or second to last.
Second, I mean, but like, yeah, you're.
Like, OK, everyone had dispersed from the finish line at that point.
Yeah, I, I find it so interesting with Olympic trials and like the windows and especially like building a family because like you said, there were other women there too that were.
Pregnant, yeah, there's always lots of women like pregnant or like.
Because you want to get the time, but you want to build a family and then you want to run in the event.
I guess you just kind of you do what you got to do to participate.
And so that was your first trials and then?
I did not qualify for 2024.
OK, so the big thing with that, they cut, they cut the time from 2:45 to 2:37.
That's a lot.
It was a lot of time and.
Do you remember what you did when you found that out?
Like did you?
That's a.
Lot of good question.
So I was pregnant with my second by then.
So she was born in 2022.
So, like, right in the middle.
And I knew, like, I only would have a year maybe to qualify and get that time.
And I just, like, you know, my mind, like, I didn't really have a chance being so close to just having a baby.
And getting back into that kind of shape.
And it was also during a period where Josh was deployed.
So he was deployed for 10 months to Kosovo.
And four months after Sino was born is when he left.
So it's a crazy time of my life.
And I was also so stressed and overwhelmed.
My training wasn't the best either.
And I think just all that stress got me hurt.
So I was like, injured for a little bit during that period.
So I was just like, surviving at that point.
So yeah, I wasn't really on my radar.
Like, I I just didn't have a chance to be able to do it.
So but it is for the next time.
Time this baby.
Yeah, OK.
So about 10 months.
How many times has Josh been deployed?
Just once.
Just once.
This one and only so far.
And then how does that work?
When do they tell you?
I think you told me this when we met.
Like did they warn you went?
Up to a year before.
OK, yeah.
So I was already pregnant at that point.
I was pregnant after he found out.
Oh, and so then he had to tell his pregnant wife, but he's going to be gone for 10 months.
Yeah, sort of.
Oh boy.
I don't remember that moment.
They're like.
You're just like, OK.
I so I was, I think we were both kind of aware because they like have years or where if they need a unit deployed like it's their, it's their year to go.
So I think in my mind I was kind of we were both kind of aware that was a possibility, but not for sure because it like that year was his units year to be deployed.
Or something.
So OK, so it.
Wasn't like out of the blue.
Huge shock.
Yeah, yeah.
But still like, man, she's four months old and then Atlas would have been like 2 1/2 or whatever and then that's so much.
So how did you did you get a double stroller?
Were you running doing stroller ones with both of them?
So no, I did a few in the double stroller.
Oh, I have a good story to tell after this.
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Oh, I have a good story to tell after this.
OK, He went to school and I had a job then where I like, I want to say downgraded doesn't sound the right word, but like I took a lesser, smaller role in the company at Delta Faucet that was more part time work.
So it's just like less stress on me during that whole time.
And so I would drop Atlas off at school and then I put some in the and we would go, I do, that's how I'd do the runs with her when I was injured during that period.
My favorite memory of last year.
So, you know, the, the, what's it called?
The Monumental Mile?
So now it's the yeah, the Monumental Mile or the Indianapolis 5K in Monumental Mile.
OK, I think that's right.
If it's not then I'll add it over.
OK, that's fine.
So that's every summer like, right?
In Yeah, in June.
Now it's on a Saturday.
OK, yes, it was on a Saturday and so I had done that race with Atlas in the stroller and one the community a mile I believe.
You know what?
I totally seen you.
I've seen you do this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw you there.
At the start line with your girls.
Yeah, I think both times.
Yeah, I drag.
I drag my whole family to.
The Yeah, yeah.
And so I did that with the double stroller this time last summer and one as well.
So OK, how I don't?
What was your mile?
Time though.
What was your mile time?
Like six O 3 or some 607.
Okay, double stroller.
I don't know, I'm trying to think could I like could I even run a 607 mile without a stroller?
Maybe I felt I've never really tried.
Because there was a guy in front of me for a while and then like he just kind of.
And like really hard, like sorry.
Sorry you're getting beat by Scroller.
That has to feel kind of good though, too.
Yeah, it's kind.
Of fun look at me.
My favorite part, one of my favorite parts about running is like being a really like strong woman runner and passing men and then like doing a double take.
Those are my favorite moments.
That's the best like.
What are you doing here?
Wait a minute here, girl.
What's going on?
Yeah, that's fun.
Yeah, it's always fun.
Do they ever say anything to you?
I mean, good things.
I would imagine they'd be always amazing.
It's either they don't say anything at all, which is probably.
Because they're probably crying.
Inside those are the ones that are like and you know, men always start way faster than they should.
I feel like like that, you know, they have this idea in their head and they just.
I love that we're recording this on International Women's Day too by.
The way I know.
I thought about that earlier, Boo.
Yeah, Sorry dudes.
And then others like in big, I would say in big races, like if they see women like they're big encouragers.
So yeah, I've gotten both.
Nothing anything mean though.
That's good.
Well, that would be, I mean, yeah, that would be rude.
Like yeah, if you runners usually.
Really nice and helpful.
How does that work with like this is going to, I don't know if this is going to sound dumb, but we're going to try it.
So when you're really fast as a female, you like mix in with a lot of guys that are like, let's call it like fast to average fast.
Like how do you make these like agreements on like working together during a race?
You know what I'm talking about.
Yeah, I think it's just all instinct, honestly.
So weird to me because I don't have any of that instant.
Like do you guys know what I'm talking about?
Like when you watch like the elites like you, you trade who's drafting or like who's behind.
Or like I've had a few experiences where there's like chatter.
So like at Grandma's marathon in 2018 when I qualified there, there was a big group of women trying to get the qualifier.
And so that was awesome.
Like just being in that group.
Like we're all going after the same goal while working today.
We're not really.
Competing against each.
Other and then there's men like kind of pacing us and in the middle and like they're like, what time you guys are you guys going to have to the qualifier?
I'm like, yeah, like I'm going that pace too.
So like that's really, that's really running is awesome too, when he's like a group of women working together to get a goal.
Yeah, that's really.
And then like you're complete strangers.
At the end though, like I hugged everyone that I was like running with.
I'm like, Oh my God, we did it.
It was awesome.
How many?
How many women qualified at grandma's that year?
I don't.
I have a lot number, not like a, not like the CIM one that has that photo finish of tons of women coming in before the mark.
Oh, right.
I don't know.
There's a good handful.
That's really cool.
Yeah, we got cuz.
I just talked to Rob Jackson, as you know, and he, well, he mentioned during our conversation that he, like, was helping somebody who was going for the time.
And I just thought, oh, that's kind of interesting.
I've never really experienced going fast enough for anybody to, like, work with me on that.
So I just find it so interesting, like the strategy there of like how, you know, he was like, yeah, I didn't really, you know, I was going to shield them from the elements or whatever if they were working towards this.
If I could help, that'd be cool.
And I've just never that just thought never really crossed my mind.
Yeah, I would say the only time is like being like a windy day or the weather is bad, like having right there to tuck in behind.
It's very nice.
And they don't usually care.
They're like I, they can't.
I can't help them if I was like in front of them like I want.
To be dude, I'm not gonna block anything, so it's fine that I'm here, right?
So yeah.
Yeah, I always find that interesting.
Like, I don't know, I've been in a couple of races where I like meet a stranger and like we don't even speak and we were just like running together.
This it is really the best.
Like a hidden like.
Bond, where you're like, I know that we're just like, we're just going after it together.
Yeah, yeah, it's really special.
OK, So what other marathons have you done?
So I've done, see, we've already mentioned monumental.
I've done caramel few times, two or three times, done Twin Cities.
I've done Chicago twice.
OK, Boston once.
Boston's a great story because, you know, I did that in 2018 during the horrible weather year, but I also had the most amazing experience ever.
So that's crazy.
My time at that point, qualified need to be in the elite field.
You have the pros and the sublet field, but that group starts together.
OK, so I got to ride in the fancy bus down to the church.
The church?
Yeah, I've heard that.
Special place.
It was very interesting.
So it's not like heated or anything, but it's warmer than especially it.
Was my God.
Being outside, but like I remember a lot of the pro, like all the pros had done this a lot many times before.
And so I remember Molly Huddle was there and like they like when we got on got in the church, they mean like went to there's like an upstairs and a downstairs.
They went like into their rooms.
Like they knew which room is theirs like model.
I remember Molly Huddle going into like a room to live by yourself.
And I'm like, I do not want to bug anyone.
I'm just.
Like you're just like, I'm just going to stand here and just be.
In awe.
Exactly, it was amazing.
Like Shalane Flanagan ran that year.
Oh, so your Des one?
Right, Yeah, it's the des year.
That's what I yeah, the shitty weather.
Des year, yes.
But yeah, we all walked out to the startling together.
Are you just like, hi?
And I was on TV for, like, a quick second.
And apparently so my family was in the hotel watching and like, you know, they start the elite women first.
Yeah, yeah, first.
And so I was like in the front with everyone.
And I so you like the very, very front.
OK, so I was not, but I ended up there somehow.
I feel like that'd be so awkward to be like, it's already awkward enough, yeah.
I was like in the back because I'm like, I'm not.
Yeah, you're like, I'm not going to be like.
On the very so sweet and I somehow ended up in the front.
They went really slow, like 7 minute mile the 1st.
Really slow.
OK, when they were at 537 minutes.
Was slow.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So like I was like, why is why is everyone going so slow?
Like, so I like ended up in the front.
Not that I was like going to like act like, like I wasn't going to be one of those people that like sprints in front to get.
On TV, yeah.
I was embarrassed enough for how I was like at the front of the TV series.
So yeah, that was a good story.
And yeah, I that marathon, it was just for the experience and running to finish because I just done, I think I just done caramel or something.
Well, yeah, probably because caramel is right before Boston.
Is it?
Yeah, it was OK.
So yeah, Boston was just for fun for me.
And like then too, I was just trying to finish because it was so cold it.
Sounds awful.
What did you wear?
I think I wear long sleeves.
I don't think I wear pants.
I wore arm sleeves.
And a singlet like there was nothing you could have.
I'm just like cold just thinking about it.
It was like so cold, windy and snowing slash rain.
Yeah, that's.
Pretty much the worst weather you could order.
For a marathon, yeah.
So are you just have so much trauma from that you just haven't gone back to Boston or?
No, I definitely want to like go back and like feel like I experienced it all because in that moment it's just like, I just want to get the finish line.
I have no idea what's going on around me.
Like I had no idea when I was going up like the big hills, like I was just like trying to get to the finish line.
And so like, I want to go back and be able to experience like the full course and take it all in for sure.
So maybe next year.
And when you were running, are you alone with like a handful of people?
I feel like the average runner, like I'm in like a sea of everybody.
But what is it like a new?
Thing OK, so I'll give my perspective on this.
So yeah, on that, when the women elite go, it's just that small group of women, like, I don't know, 20 to 30, if that.
And yeah, I was by myself the whole time, honestly.
That it was weird.
It was, yeah.
I feel like if you're used to being in the big crowds in a major, like being by yourself would be really weird.
And that was like I'd done Chicago, I think, before that.
But yeah, I don't know.
For me it was just kind of normal at that point in time.
But then so last fall I ran Chicago.
That was my last marathon I ran and they have the American Development Program which starts like a minute before, like the first wave starts.
American Development program?
I don't know what that means.
So it's like sub elite women that can get into it.
So it's not OK, but you start.
So Chicago, everyone starts together like all the pro men, the women and the American development program starts together like a minute before the wave one starts.
OK, so that just get means like you get up, you get your own 10 in the morning and then you can start with with that group of people.
So it's less crowded.
So I did do that one year, but I did not do it.
I didn't have a time to apply for it this last year, but I also didn't want to because again, I put too much pressure on myself and the years before and this was like that last fall was just like my first marathon back from, from having Cinna, honestly.
So I've been two years and I trained really hard and I first year in super shoes and I was like, it was like kind of like my first marathon all over again, right?
Like I was just like, I don't know what to expect.
I'm, I know I'm in really good shape, but I just like want to have fun doing a marathon again because I've been so long.
I just want to run it and not hit the wall.
Like I want to feel good from start to finish.
So that was my goal and I was honestly the best.
I felt so good until like mile 23 or 24 and it was just like my legs.
I was just tired at that point.
Not that like I was hitting the wall or anything, so it was just a great experience, but I liked being in the main crowd because it felt less pressurized.
Yeah, it was running by your.
People like, I wanted the atmosphere of a major where there's lots of people around you, there's always someone to run with.
And so that just felt really good at that time, and I'm glad I did it, yeah.
So how many total full marathons are you up to?
That's a good question.
I've paced a couple too.
I've paced monumental twice, all right.
I've done a few pace for 3/15.
Did I do three hours?
I did do three hours since last fall after Chicago, I did three hours.
So amazing.
I don't know how many honestly.
I haven't totaled up over 10, but not more than 20.
OK, see I have AI have a spreadsheet.
I'm just surprised that you don't have a spreadsheet.
I could look, I mean I could find out by looking at my training peaks or like right ass coach to total them up.
Yeah, he probably knows.
Like how many rides have?
I done, yeah.
Oh my gosh, wow.
So and then, do you like the half marathon distance too?
Do you do halves?
What's your favorite?
I like halves.
I mean, half marathon's never been my main goal.
It's always been like on the way to a marathon.
OK, Yeah.
So I like them definitely.
Like I did the women's half marathon in Carmel, yeah, for the first time last fall, and that was a lot of fun.
And again, I was building up to Chicago but hadn't raced like a good half marathon in a while, so I thought I could PR.
How did that go?
Did so, yeah.
Where'd you finish?
I feel like I should have seen you or remembered.
Third, second or third place women?
Yeah, All right.
No, I was second.
Yes, I was second.
OK, I totally saw you there.
Yeah, cuz you got like champ, like that break is fun cuz you get a whole bunch of cold.
Do you remember when somebody broke one of the glasses?
Yes, yeah, yes, that.
Oh yeah, you were.
There I was, there I was right there.
I had to clean it up cuz I was like, oh God, somebody like was giving the age group awards and like one of them shattered everywhere.
I was like.
Yes, it's not good.
Yeah, Yeah, it was a really fun race too.
This is like the fastest conversation I've ever had to have.
No, because like, we don't have I I could talk to you for another hour, but I can't.
I know which is annoying.
We should do a Part 2 sometime.
Yeah, but I, I want to make sure people who are here in this room with us can ask you questions too, because obviously I've been hogging you.
So Lena asks what are your dream races?
It's a really good question.
All marathons, probably all of them, New York City, like these.
I would say these aren't like ones I would go to for like a time, but just to experience.
I feel like the ones where I get a time would be the ones have PR before, which is like grandma's or Chicago or monumental.
So like going and experiencing all the majors would be awesome.
Like New York City for would be #1 on my list.
I'll probably do Boston first again to experience that again so I can have a retail then New York City.
I've heard some people like it even more than Boston.
And then from there, I just, I really want to go international, so I would love to do London and Tokyo.
I've heard Japan is an awesome place to visit, so I think it'd just be cool.
Mostly, it's like traveling, like finding a marathon as an excuse to travel somewhere.
Okay, that I love so much.
Like, I feel like I would travel less, honestly, if I didn't, like, have a race I wanted to go to.
Yeah, be like, Josh, I want to do this and he'll be like, OK, let's go there, we'll make a trip out of it or whatever.
So I would love to go Australia, too.
And now the Sydney's one.
So like, that's a really good excuse to Australia.
I also don't want to do a plane ride either.
So Josh has been there twice without me.
Once he was like there for a month, like in the Outback, camping for fun with gigantic spiders.
Yeah, I don't know.
For sorry for the Army.
OK for the Army?
Yeah, it was a training thing.
And then he has been to Sydney and they went up.
What's the bridge there?
The Harbour Bridge.
OK, he climbed up the bridge.
Making sure that was correct.
I did that when I went there a very long time ago.
But yeah, that's amazing.
Yeah, my daughter, my oldest daughter's Sydney.
I think I told you that.
And so I want to take her to Sydney.
Oh, yeah, that's and run Sydney.
Someday should, but it's hilly, I hear.
Tells me, oh it doesn't matter.
Though Yeah, that's true.
Yeah, just go to run, you know.
What other questions do you guys have?
Take us through a morning before you run.
So good thing about my job right now is I work from home and can work pretty flexible.
So I drop my kids off at school at 9:00 AM.
That's when their school starts and then I usually go for my run at lunch.
So like I said, I don't remember or how I did it.
We're getting up so early.
In my early working years, Paul, I was young and dumb and like.
Yeah, I didn't.
Have anything else to do?
Yeah, like literally I just no kids.
That you wake up before kids is like, what did I do before kids?
I don't even know.
Yeah, just ran and worked, I guess.
Yeah, I run.
Most of my runs are during lunch, unless I have something going on that day.
I will get up in the morning.
But for workouts, it's really good to be able to run during lunch.
So I'll have my breakfast and then I'll have like a small snack before I go out and run because by then I'm starting to get hungry for lunch and I won't feel as good if I don't eat something.
So have a snack, go for my run around my neighborhood, ish.
And then, yeah.
Do you have a treadmill?
I do have a treadmill in my basement, yes.
So do you do?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, I feel like in this, depending on when you're training, it's like if you have to do it if you're doing it midday, well, and then in the summer, if you're doing it midday, like, yeah, that's.
I would prefer running very hot in the middle of the day versus.
Less than 10° outside in the winter.
Yes, see like I like.
Wow, I wish I did my body.
Not that I like it, not when it chews it, but like, yeah, that's my preference, right, For a really cold time.
I think I would have to be really cold because then you can keep put it.
You could at least keep layering stuff on when you're hot, you just like there's like nothing you can do.
I feel like it's I.
Just love.
I just feel like I work so.
Hard when I sweat a lot.
Yeah, I do like sweating because I feel like if I don't sweat it's not worth.
My time exactly.
Yeah, that sounds bad, but that's how I am.
OK, what else?
While we have a few minutes, Whitney, what is your go to mindset strategy for when things get hard?
It's a really good question.
So I would say it's taking me a while to develop my mentality and my beginning marathon years was definitely not as strong.
Like I said in my first marathon I had it went so well.
Like I just thought that's how every marathon would go and I would keep getting faster if I just trained harder and did more miles and I did.
That's what happened my second marathon.
It was hard, but like I got better and it felt OK.
So I was like OK, third one I'll do even more miles and get faster.
And again, I didn't have any kids so I was just like running all the time and I just ran way too much.
And by the time like marathon race day came around, I was just way overtrained and tired going into the race and it did not go well.
And I didn't have a good mindset because I was very hard on myself and really disappointed.
It was very hard even though the time, I mean, it wasn't like a terrible time, but I was like, I expected more of myself.
I'm very hard on myself.
Sure, lots of people are expect good things, especially when you work so hard for something that that's when it becomes really hard.
So I just had to take a really deep lesson from that.
Like I need to control my training and also like learn to embrace failure a little bit more and learn from it.
I was still hard headed at the time and just like I'll just jump into another one right away so I can redeem myself.
But now, like after kids, like I don't have as much time to focus on just thinking about running all the time.
And I think that's the biggest thing that has helped me honestly, like find that balance between wanting to do really well and running.
Also like focusing on other things in my life and having fun doing it and not being so hard on myself.
Because now after kids, it's like you got to find the time and you're also taking time away from the kids.
So like I want to take that time, have fun doing it as my break from taking care of the kids, but also like use that time to work hard as well to go after my goals.
I guess when it gets hard during races.
Now I've really embraced this idea that I've worked so hard in order to be able to do this.
This is what I've trained for.
Like when it when I'm at like mile 22 and everything has gone well to that point and I'm feeling starting to feel that pain, just like the pain in the workout, like you did that workout because you know, at that point, you know, race, you're going to feel that same type of pain, not pain, but exertion.
And so I just like, yeah.
So I just like remind myself, like I did all this training because I knew at this moment this is how it was going to feel.
And I finished those workouts, finished strong.
And I just got to keep going because I worked so hard for this.
Like this is the moment I got to put that training into place.
And then whatever the outcome is, like I'm I just got to move on at that point.
Like if it's great, I'll celebrate.
If it's not, my kids don't care either.
Like no one really care.
Like, you know, did you say that?
Like, no, they've asked that.
For sure.
But you're sometimes you say, yeah, yeah.
That's true.
And they still aren't like, that impressed, right?
It's like, they're like, OK, cool.
But then, like, yeah, I mean, no one cares as deeply as you do yourself.
And so it's just reminding that, like, life just goes on.
And I'm not a pro runner.
Like, I'm not don't get paid for this either.
So yeah, I just get through it.
That's really good answer.
All right, well, it's 5:00, so I have to ask you the end of the podcast question.
It's actually sad, which you kind of already just alluded to.
I think when we talk about mindset, it goes hand in hand with mantras.
But what's your favorite running song and or mantra?
Yeah, so all my runs I usually listen to podcasts.
So I don't, I'm not like a big, I like music, but I'm not like know a lot of songs just like whatever pumps me up or has a good beat is good.
So mantras, like I said, when it gets hard, like I think about I train for this.
This is what I've been working so hard for.
Like I just got to keep going because also I don't want to have any regrets after the race.
And I've had lots of moments where I'm like, I could have pushed harder.
You always think you could have pushed harder, but like you really got to like think about I when I cross the finish line, I want to know they put in the best that I could do.
Like that's all I say to my kids, to you, like just try your best, OK.
If you mess up, you just got to try your best and put your effort into it.
So that and then during college, I came up with this saying I am fast, I am strong.
And so when I would also have hard moments, if I just, like, repeated that in my head when it was getting hard, like it just, it takes those negative thoughts away for a little bit.
So you're not so focused on the negative.
And like, you just, like, channel, like, I'm moving fast.
I'm sure like, I'm fat.
Like, convince yourself that that's how you're feeling.
And like, if you try to convince yourself and channel that that negativity is gonna decrease at least.
And then next finish line and milestone, so you're 17 weeks.
Did anybody look up the fruit?
What is your due date?
August 15th.
August 15th.
OK, so that's a big obviously milestone to have your third child.
But what about finish lines?
Are you still running?
So still running like with both my first ones, I want to run for as long as I can.
Eventually that turns into a walk slash run and very slow.
But I like I just like have to keep moving and keep active because that's what keeps me mentally healthy.
So I did.
I'm mostly I'm doing races for fun after this.
So I did you do polar Bear well.
That's right.
Did you, what did you, how did you end up doing during Polar Bear?
She's like one, Yeah.
I, I got third women in the bear, so I did the 5K in the yeah, in the five mile.
So that's.
Thank you.
See, so I'm I'll probably use something at Carmel, OK, just depend.
I'm not going to sign up until like well, I'll probably sign up probably for the half and then if I need to downgrade it, yeah, I will.
So like I said, I just live the longer distance, like if I especially when I'm doing something for fun like might as well just go a little.
Bit longer, might as well feel better.
About a long run anyway yeah yeah not that I would like be competitive or race it.
I would just try my best and then I did sign up as an elite for the mini marathon yeah you did.
I like cuz I feel like, I mean even though if I'm pregnant, like I still, I still worked hard for a spot like I still have elite time.
So like I'll I'll just do what I can on that day.
I'll just like everyone else can go go in front of me.
That's fine.
I can't wait to scream when you fly by me because I'm doing Ainsley's Angels again this year.
That's awesome.
Free push.
And so one of the coolest things about that experience is like, you start the race, yes, and then like.
All the people.
Run by.
It's so fun.
So I'll be there and I'll be cheering for you.
All right.
Appreciate it.
That'd be great.
Well, and I, you know, Anna won last year and she was pregnant.
I know that's what I thought too.
And like they've had pregnant pregnant woman win before.
So like, yeah, that's really cool.
Well, thank you.
Thank you for being my first live podcast.
Yeah, this is so fun.
Thanks for having.
Me and thanks to everybody who had to listen.
Yeah, play.
It was a little bit interesting.
Yeah, I don't.
I have no idea.
So yeah.
And happy running people who are listening.
If you enjoyed this episode of Finish Lines and Milestones from Sandy Boy Productions, please go share rate review.
Then you can find me on social media.
I'm Ally ALYT, Brett Brett, Ally T Brett under score runs and I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and join me next week for episode 100 with the one and only Lindsay Hyne.
Talk to you next week.